Herculaneum private and personalized tour with a local guide

Herculaneum private and personalized tour with a local guide

Based on 94 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 2 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Immerse yourself in the ancient world at UNESCO-listed Herculaneum
  • Explore streets frozen in time from the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius
  • Step into ancient daily life and visit both public spaces and luxurious villas of the elite
  • Get up close to a real Roman vessel at the Boat Pavilion and see what’s inside the antiquarium
  • Enjoy a private tour of up to 10 people with your local guide with unrivalled knowledge of Herculaneum
What to expect

The small seaside town of Herculaneum really packs a punch – a UNESCO World Heritage site showcasing ancient Roman life before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. On this tour, you’ll walk through streets frozen in time, from bustling markets to luxurious villas and artefacts. Ciro, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘Can you believe that everything in Herculaneum was buried 30 metres deep under ash? That’s why the ruins are so well-preserved – even more so than Pompeii. It’s really like stepping into a real-life history book.’

The tour kick starts with a glimpse into ancient daily life. You’ll make a pit stop at the bakery and the Forum, letting your imagination run wild picturing the Romans socialising in the bathing areas – snapping up pics of dolphin mosaics and geometric tiles. Wandering along, your local expert will give you the inside scoop on the hobbies, work, and diet of the tunic-clad citizens. And, you’ll have the chance to see how the wealthy lived in lavish waterfront villas, decked out with frescoes, mosaics and marble plaques.

Next up, you’ll visit the Boat Pavilion, where you’ll come face to face with a real-deal Roman vessel that once sailed to the rescue of Herculaneum’s citizens. It’s the perfect backdrop for some epic selfies. And, to top it all off, make your way to the antiquarium where you'll be surrounded by a mind-blowing collection of sculptures, frescoes, jewellery, and everyday Roman knick-knacks.

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What's included
  • check Friendly and expert local guide
  • check Entrance tickets to Herculaneum
  • check Private guided tour
What's not included
  • x_not_included Transportation to the meeting point

Corso Resina, 80056 Ercolano NA, Italy

Meeting point:
Meet your guide at Herculaneum's ticket office. Please be at the meeting point at least 10 minutes before the start of the tour. The guide will be holding a TUI sign.
What to remember
  • The venue is mostly accessible to people with reduced mobility or wheelchairs. CLICK HERE to check the alternative itinerary (in blue) that includes most of the archaeological site and 2 permanent exhibitions (Padiglione della Barca and an exhibition dedicated to jewellery and luxury items). Most of the domus are accessible
  • We recommend you wear comfortable shoes and bring water with you
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 24 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 94 reviews from verified customers


Review categories



Value for money






  • Anonymous

    From Spain - September 2024


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - July 2024


    Overall rated


    Our guide was incredibly knowledgable, friendly with faultless English. Perfect!

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - April 2024


    Overall rated


    La ragazza che ci ha fatto da guida è stata perfetta: cordiale esaustiva disponibile e ha reso la visita molto interessante

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - January 2024


    Overall rated


    L’histoire par elle même est passionnante . L’aide d’un guide est essentielle pour bien comprendre ce qu’on a sous les yeux !. On peut craindre que de ...

  • Anonymous

    From Italy - January 2024


    Overall rated


    Una conferma la professionalità dimostrata dalla nostra guida. Bravissima

  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - January 2024


    Overall rated


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